Taking inspiration from the ‘lockdown walks’ I have been doing recently, I have started taking photos around my local area, before digitally recolouring them to create vibrant landscapes.
Inspiration for this came from Rana Begum’s “No 814” (2018) where she uses coloured glass outdoors with amazing effect. The natural light projects through the glass and alters the colour of the landscape.
I have been searching for ways to simulate or recreate this effect. Looking at my lockdown options, it seemed logical to explore and learn the digital editing program Affinity Photo.
I started off with this photo of a field of barley taken during sunset.

Barley Fields
I can highly recommend Affinity Photo as an alternative to Photoshop (and it is cheaper!). I am exploring how drastically the differnt colour casts change the mood of the landscape, from calm, to surreal, to alien.

I want to expand on changing landscapes using various techniques to create even stranger environments.
