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Margate turner contemporary: seeing round corners

Seeing Round Corners

Turner Contemporary

14 July 2016

My thoughts on the day are shown below.

3: Seems quite mysterious. Something to do with the black, the dark, both the shadow and the ball working together.

15: Love the smoothness, just get a sense of the smooth, round surface.

Barbara Hepworth, Discs in Echelon version 2, 1935, Plaster on a painted wooden base

‘Cast of a carved darkwood sculpture Barbara Hepworth viewed the plaster discs as an independent work, the 2 discs are the shape of lenses and this introduces an association with the eye.’

29 and 31: Like them lots but don’t know what to say.

Re 31: I like his white pieces more

17: Dan Hays, Colorado Impression 16b, 2006, Oil on canvas

‘creates painting by systematically applying small areas of colour, which are matched to digital sections of the image stored in his computer’

54: Interesting

36: See these as drawings (before reading the label)

Trevor Shearer, Sea Tracings 1 – 3, 1997, Ink on acrylic

41: Like that there is something about the white, it is more textural. There is almost another layer – it feels (looks) smooth.

42: Quite important figure in relation to mobile (moving) sculptures

43: Quite satisfying watching it, quite calming too.

45 – is it flat? From here it looks completely flat. I could stand in front of it forever. It does stuff to your eyes, for some reason I really like that idea. It is making me question what I am seeing, what it is. You just can’t tell what is in there, what is happening, until you move to the side. The colour is so intense you can’t really make anything out.

59: The straw is pushed through the same on all the photos

Richard Long outside

I would love to do a big circle like that. Can feel the individual ridges of the clay/paint.

74: It is completely unexpected, you don’t know where it will come next.

85: Pigment use is something I am interested in.

87: Ben Langlands and Nikki Bell, Negotiating Table, 1991 Made a note of the name of artists as want to remind self of a previous piece of work.

Artists to look up

Ian Davenport

Edith Dekyndt

Shiryu Morita (En, 1967)

I was excited about the Kapoor but the ball (74) was amazing. I liked the fact it moved around and slowly descended. People reacted to it, which I liked. It confused people, they didn’t know how it worked (one person questioned if there was a motor inside).

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