Things have changed a little since my last blog post……..

how my figure from “Expectation”(2019) is handling lockdown
I have managed these past weeks to keep busy which I found is to be the most important thing to do at this time. 2020 was going to be a exciting year for me. working on a commission as well as setting up a business using my art with help from the Princes Trust.I’m quite thankful to the Princes Trust for adapting to the situation so quickly. The initial week long business course I was going on the week lockdown started was changed into a twice weekly online course via video call. Having this gave me a consistent event in my calendar to build up my days in lockdown. Time in lockdown has also given me more time to think about some larger scale works that I have had in my mind. Although I’m unable at the moment to see these projects through to completion I’m able to spend a good amount of time to carefully consider as soon as restrictions are lifted.
I’m also able to give a update on my Royal Academy Summer exhibition submission.

Expectation (2020)
Unfortunately I wasn’t selected however I also knew my chances were slim knowing the amount of applicants the RA usually get, I’m also slightly relieved I don’t have to carry my work all the way up to London this year! I’m still very proud of my work ‘Conflagration’ and have a plan for exhibiting it locally…… when some form of normality resumes.